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Overhaul of MFI pumps - Eisenbrandt Mechanische Einspritzpumpen
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Tel.: 0049 - (0)681 - 9590911

Overhaul of MFI pumps

We offer a complete overhaul of mechanical gasoline injection pumps from the manufacturer Bosch for Mercedes Pagoda and Aston Martin models. The pumps will be disassembled completely, prepared technically and visually and installed in agreement with Bosch specifications.

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Test and adjustment of the following components: Equal transport, heat flow correction, flow rates cold run, flow rate warm, function high solenoid, function of the thermostat, the function of a stop magnet and starter magnet.

The pump fulfills the manufacturers specifications in all aspects after our overhaul. In the course of this revision, it is possible to change the type of pump, e.g. from "E" to "S" or from 2.4T to 2.7RS. The space cam and thus the map can be changed individually by us.

We can provide you with a warranty when it is used correctly.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We would be happy to provide you with a free and non-binding offer for the inspection or overhaul of your MFI pump.

Picture: Mercedes 8 stamp pump

Free & non-binding request?

The latest version of our price list for end customers can be found HERE:
price list Mercedes
price list Porsche

We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please call +49 (0) 681/959 0 911 or use the contact form below.

We are looking forward to your request.

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